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Eyes in the sky grow dim

"At a time when climate change impacts are accelerating, our ability to observe those impacts from space is deteriorating."

Category: Space


US military wants $10m space-weapon funding

"The US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) wants $10 million to investigate space-based weapons over the next year. As Pentagon budgets go, it is small change, but it is also a red flag for critics who worry that such plans could turn...

Category: Weapons, Space


Big blasts or tiny tugs: how to stop an asteroid catastrophe

"Collision with Earth is seen as inevitable, but scientists are meeting to find solution "

Category: Space


Light pollution 'masking stars'

"A growing number of people are unable to see the night sky because of glare from poorly-designed outdoor lights in built up areas, a survey suggests."

Category: Space


Big blasts or tiny tugs: how to stop an asteroid catastrophe

"Collision with Earth is seen as inevitable, but scientists are meeting to find solution "

Category: Space

Displaying results 406 to 410 out of 417